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Universities in Egypt

Assiut University

Assiut University

Assiut University is an Egyptian university in the city of Assiut, Upper Egypt, which is located 357 kilometers south of Cairo. It was opened in 1952 under the name of Muhammad Ali University, but after the 1952 revolution its name was changed to Assiut University, and thus it is the fourth Egyptian governmental university in terms of the date of establishment, and the first university to be established in Upper Egypt. Assiut University is an Egyptian university in the city of Assiut, Upper Egypt, which is located 357 kilometers south of Cairo. It was opened in 1952 under the name of Muhammad Ali University, but after the 1952 revolution its name was changed to Assiut University, and thus it is the fourth Egyptian governmental university in terms of the date of establishment, and the first university to be established in Upper Egypt. Assiut University

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Faculty of Science


The University of Assiut was established in October 1957, with only two faculties the faculty of Science and the faculty of Engineering. Now, the faculty of Science campus is one of the most unique campuses as it comprises both academic buildings and living accommodation for the staff and students. Our Faculty has been known for its unique teaching system, the common department system makes the faculty responsible for teaching all courses of the basic sciences to undergraduates as well as to graduate students of different faculties of the university. This faculty offers its students six scientific departments : Mathematics Department, Physics Department, Chemistry Department, Geology Department, Botany Department, Zoology Department

Faculty of Engineering


The study began at the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University with the establishment of the university in 1957, and the faculty seeks to prepare distinguished engineers capable of keeping pace with the demands of industrial institutions and the service sector and to provide our graduates with a foundation of knowledge and skills in line with international standards for engineering projects in their specialized fields.

Faculty of Agriculture


The study began in the college in the academic year 1959/60 AD with the acceptance of 205 male and female students, and the first batch graduated in 1963 AD and the number of graduates was 82 male and female students, and the college has graduated so far forty-six batches, where the number of graduates has reached 14,464 so far. The Faculty of Agricultural, Assiut University has won a reputation for its high-caliber teaching programs and its friendly helpful faculty members and staff. This faculty is the foster of three faculties of agriculture in Upper Egypt: Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, and Qena Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley University. Our Faculty has played a vital role in providing skillfully trained human resources for the development of agriculture in Egypt in general and in Upper Egypt in particular. We do our best to train staff for local institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, and other private sectors.

Faculty of Medicine


The faculty of medicine at Assiut University seeks to attain a regional pioneer ranking and international progress via achieving an on-going distinction in the fields of education, scientific research, and community services. the faculty mission is to alleviate human suffering by nurturing a group of future leaders in both clinical care and biomedical inquiry who will have the ability to compete locally, nationally, and globally. We commit to graduate competent physicians who are qualified to upgrade and develop the medical profession.

Faculty of Pharmacy


The study began at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University in 1961. The faculty seeks to provide our graduates with distinguished pharmaceutical education through accredited scientific programs, which qualifies highly efficient pharmacists who are able to actively contribute to improving community health care and competing in the national and regional markets. We work to develop the medical industry and meet the health needs of the community. At the heart of the Faculty vision is the desire to provide our students with pharmaceutical education, scientific research, and community services at both national and international levels.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Assiut University was established by Presidential Decree No. 828 for the year 1961 and started studying in the academic year 1962/1962. It is working hard to keep abreast of the development of veterinary medical sciences and techniques and raising the efficiency of the veterinary medical services provided by the educational veterinary hospital and diagnostic and treatment convoys. Upper Egypt The College is always developing .its educational systems in line with international standards. The Faculty consists of sixteen departments, which are (Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - Department of Pathology and Clinical Pathology - Department of Animal Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition - Department of Health Control of Food - Department of Health and Common Diseases - Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - Department of Bird and Rabbit Diseases - Department of Animal Medicine - and Department Surgery, Anesthesia, Radiology - Department of Obstetrics, Reproduction and IVF - Department of Parasitology - Department of Microbiology - Department of Biochemistry - Department of Physiology - Department of Medicines - and Department of Aquatic Medicine and Care)

Faculty of Commerce


From 1963 till today, the pathway was not an easy one; It was filled with hard work, belief, and dedication to achieve all our goals and to graduate cadres who are able to stand out in the labor market. In 1966/ 1967, the number of graduates from the faculty of commerce was 120 graduates. Then in 2007, the number of graduates was 1219. Now, it reached 40,000 graduates. The Faculty of Commerce Assiut University is aspiring to become an academic reference by quality assurance in education, training, graduate studies, and community service. In addition to being always ready to cope with the rapid change and development in areas of specialization locally and internationally.

Faculty of Education


The Faculty of Education at Assiut University is aware of the teacher's mission and its importance in society, and the college’s goal is to become a leader in the fields of education, learning, scientific research, and community service regionally and globally. The College of Education aspires to enhance the role of education, and dedicate it to serving people and societies. Consequently, the College of Education seeks to keep pace with technological development and modern trends in teaching and learning, as well as upgrading, developing and implementing programs, and encouraging research and training methods that develop knowledge.

Faculty of Law


The Faculty of Law at Assiut University was established in 1975, and about 20,285 students have graduated from it since 1979. The faculty has four departments. The College of Law is working on graduating qualified and trained cadres in practicing legal and legal works that are closely related to the specializations of law in its various departments, Islamic Sharia, economics and public finance through deepening legal knowledge, public and private skills, emotional and ethical aspects necessary for practicing legal work and deepening scientific research in those legal and legal disciplines. Contribute to community service and environmental development by spreading legal and legal awareness and providing legal advice and training in the aforementioned areas of specialization for all bodies operating in our surrounding communities. The Faculty of Law strives to be one of the most important tributaries of science and knowledge in Egypt in the field of legal and legal sciences. It also works to build generations armed with science and legal knowledge capable of working in all judicial bodies, legal and legal institutions, and free professions operating in local, regional and international societies.

Faculty of physical Education


Faculty of physical education, Assuit University is one of the public educational institutions that render services in education, scientific research, and community service and environment development through a number of graduate and undergraduate programs according to recognized quality standards. The study at the Faculty of Physical Education started in the academic year 1980 / 1981 as a section of Faculty of Education – Assiut University and the ministerial resolution No. (930), on 25- 09- 1984 was issued to approve the internal bylaw of Faculty of Physical Education – Assiut University. Since that time, the faculty has been in continuous development, and the number of faculty members has become greater as well as other facilities such as constructions, sports equipment, academic and administrative buildings in a limited period of time and in the framework of a dynamic strategy adopted by Assiut University to upgrade the curricula, developing the education and research process to cope with recent improvements and advancements. And the Faculty of Physical Education, Assuit University strives to be pioneering and distinguished in education, scientific research and community service on both national and international levels in the field of physical education.

Faculty of Nursing


Faculty of Nursing was first established as a High Institute by the decree of the President of the Ministers Council in 1982. However, in 2000, another decree was released that ordered for its transformation from a High Institute to an accredited Egyptian Faculty. And it is a governmental, educational research institution that works to prepare scientifically, practically, and professionally qualified individuals who are innovative and competitive. Nursing focuses on graduating individuals who are capable of addressing the problems of society in the fields of nursing through offering educational programs based on approved academic standards and scientific research that are up to date with the market requirements and quality standards. The faculty performs its mission within the framework of recognized academic values and traditions. Faculty of Nursing at Assiut University aspires for the excellence and leadership in the fields of nursing education, scientific research and community service through the graduation of well competent and highly trained graduates who are professionally able to meet the labor market demands and capable of effectively competing in the era of technology and science.

Faculty of sugar and integrated industries technology


Faculty of sugar and integrated industries technology (FSIIT) is the only graduate research Institute of its kind in Egypt and the Arab region. As a unique member of the nationally is driven from the Assiut University’s devotion to education, research and community services. The Institute is meant to be a graduate research institute targeting the promotion of knowledge and multidisciplinary research in areas related to industrial activities with particular emphasis on sugar and its integrated industries. The Institute’s strategy is based on in-depth cooperation with stakeholders and industries interested in hiring graduates with specific professional skills and balanced multidisciplinary field to participate effectively in sugar industry. The Faculty provides high-quality applied educational programs and distinct research that meet the needs of the beneficiaries in the framework of the strategic objectives of the state, especially in serving the sugar and integrative industries.

Faculty of Social work


The Faculty of Social Service at Assiut University was established by Ministerial Resolution No. 287 of 1995, and the main objective of establishing the college was to prepare scientific cadres and develop them professionally in the field of professional practice for social service, as well as to conduct research and academic studies in social fields through cooperation with professional bodies to achieve social justice In the community . The college participates in many community service projects, including training social workers in Assiut Governorate. It also participated in another project in the New Valley Governorate. The College of Social Service graduates a social worker in the specialization of social service who meets the administrative and technical needs of social development institutions and is provided with the foundations of knowledge and skills for regional standards in the field of social service with special attention to the most needy groups and the creation of positive social change in society and has a full awareness of the needs and problems of society, the environment and ethics of the profession, as well as The faculty mission extends to raising the capabilities of graduates through intensive training courses and workshops. The College of Social Work contributes to enriching the social and human sciences by conducting field research, as well as community service and environmental development by providing technical and professional advice.

Faculty of Specific Education


The college was established by Resolution No. 1181 of 1989 dated 10/26/1989 AD, and studies began in the academic year 1990/1991 AD, and it was affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education. Then it was annexed to Assiut University by Republican Decree No. 329 of 1998, amending some provisions of the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law. The college aims to prepare specialized teachers and practitioners who are qualified in the fields of music education, artistic education, and home economics, and highly trained in the skills required for the field of specialization. The college also uses its human resources and material potentials in serving society and developing the environment.

Faculty of Arts


The Faculty of Arts is distinguished by the diversity and richness of its branches and studies; Our vision is to excel in the fields of different languages, social sciences and humanities, so that we contribute to the effective realization of the university's vision. The Faculty of Arts, Assiut University offers a number of programs supervised by professional professors to prepare qualified graduates in the fields of languages, humanities and social sciences with good educational ability to help them compete in the labor market. It also provides graduates with the necessary expertise to conduct scientific research and contribute to its development, as well as serving society and solving its problems.

Faculty of Computers and Information


The Faculty started at the first university stage with 143 students (117 male and 26 male students) in the academic year 2001/2002, then the number of students enrolled in the college developed until the number of students enrolled in the 2017/2018 academic year reached 1206 students. The College of Computers and Information aspires to be a leading educational research institution in the field of computing, community development, and meeting international quality standards. The mission of the college is to serve students and society, by providing excellent education and innovative research in the fields of computer science, information systems and technology, and multi-media, and developing the student's personality to make him able to participate in building a knowledge-based economy, willing to innovate, love group work, and aware of the values of education. Continuous self-learning, and able to compete locally, regionally and internationally in the labor market, and creative interaction with society and entrepreneurs.

Faculty of Dentistry


The Faculty of Dentistry at Assiut University was established based on the approval of the Supreme Council of Universities No. 565 on 6/2/2012, which includes the approval of the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry at Assiut University and the taking of legislative measures in this regard, and the decision of the Assiut University Council No. 575 on 7/26/2012, which includes the approval of Beginning of studies at the Faculty of Dentistry at Assiut University, starting from the academic year 2012/2013 and Presidential Decree No. 194 of 2012 approving the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry at Assiut University. The Faculty of Dentistry - Assiut University aspires to be in the ranks of regionally recognized medical educational institutions that are distinguished by innovative educational programs - serving various segments of society through a highly skilled graduate who is able to communicate and deal with the patient and is able to collect information, develop it with scientific research and apply it.

South Egypt Cancer Institute


The mission of the institute The South Egypt Institute of Oncology is a governmental institution to prepare specialized personnel to provide the utmost care for cancer patients, to provide continuing medical education, to train researchers and physicians in the field of oncology, and to conduct research aimed at understanding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer and related diseases. The institute also works to raise awareness of cancer patients and early detection and prevention of cancer in southern Egypt. The institute works to ensure quality and continuous improvement of performance and efficiency, in accordance with the letter of the institute's mission and the stated goals. As well as gaining community confidence in its graduates, graduating special human resources and empowerment, and benefiting from internationally recognized evaluation mechanisms.

Technical Institute of Nursing


It was agreed to include the Technical Nursing Institute, which was affiliated with the medical faculties of Egyptian universities, to the nursing faculties in Egyptian universities, 9/2/2011 Currently the Technical Nursing Institute is affiliated to the Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University. The Technical Institute for Nursing was established in 1996/1997 by Ministerial Resolution No. (1268) on 10/28/1997 The Technical Secondary School for Nursing of the Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University was opened by Resolution No. 45 dated 2/22/1966 AD issuing the list of nursing schools. The school was assigned to appoint them in Assiut University hospitals for university nursing competence and the school was managed under the responsibility of the College of Medicine until the study at the school was suspended as a transitional phase in 1997 AD and the school was transferred to the Technical Nursing Institute in 1997 CE technical secondary schools for nursing were reopened and the schools continued or not according to the needs of the hospitals as well as preparing Graduates of the technical institutes of general nursing on 5/1998 AD The Technical Institute of Nursing at Assiut University devotes efforts to graduate nurse with a high degree of cognitive competence, clinically qualified and technology to deal with the health problems of patients and society with competence and rationality. The institute has dedicated itself to providing nursing education based on scientific evidence by providing an educational environment equipped with the latest technological means. The institute is also keen to provide a distinguished and fruitful nursing service to community members through continuous improvement in all aspects of activities while adhering to quality standards.

Faculty of Education for Early Childhood


The Faculty of Early Childhood Education at Assiut University seeks to prepare distinguished and specialized cadres of kindergarten teachers to achieve educational and scientific leadership and to be able to invest technology and competition in all areas of education, learning, scientific research and community service to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development in the field of children. It also seeks to mobilize energies and employ them to achieve the future vision to provide education that meets the requirements of the present and the future and produces distinguished generations of female graduates who are qualified and trained to invest technology, their research capabilities and advisory experiences in solving childhood and family problems and serving the environment and society through specialized centers and projects for distinguished kindergartens in light of regional and international quality standards. And support its programs in sustainable development and continuous training.

Molecular Biology Researches & Studies Institute


Molecular Biology Researches & Studies Institute is affiliated to Assiut University. It was established by the Ministerial Resolution No. (1643) issued on 7/11/2019, to be the first institute at the level of the Republic specialized in molecular biology researches and applications. The institute's internal regulations were issued by the Ministerial Resolution No. (3083) on 7/31/2019 after the approval of the Basic Sciences Sector Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities. The institute accepts graduates from faculties of the "Medical Sector - Science - Engineering - Agriculture - Veterinary medicine – Computer Science and Information". The institute aims to: • Work on the speed of transfer and assimilation of modern technologies in the field of molecular biology and biotechnology. • Developing and linking applied scientific research in the medical, animal, agricultural, industrial and environmental fields to solve societal problems. • Providing technical consultations, feasibility studies and field participation to solve problems. • Providing and facilitating the necessary means for scientific openness and exchange of experiences with international scientific institutes, centers and bodies that carry out a similar activity. • Organizing conferences, holding seminars and scientific training courses individually or in cooperation with various scientific bodies. The institute consists of three scientific departments • · Department of Molecular Biology • · Department of Biostatistics and Applied Bioinformatics • · Department of Applied Biotechnology

Universities in Egypt

Universities in Egypt is the voice of universities, helping to maintain the leading strength of Egypt’s university sector and supporting our members to achieve their aims and objectives.

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