Sat. February 08, 2025

Universities in Egypt

American University in Cairo (AUC)

American University in Cairo (AUC)

The American University in Cairo was founded in 1919, and is a pioneering American educational institution that provides an outstanding education in the English language and is the center of cultural, social, and intellectual life in the Arab world. The university is considered a meeting place for world cultures and a forum for discussion and extending the bonds of understanding between different cultures due to the diversity of the cultures of students, parents, faculty members, workers, members of the Council of Guardians, alumni, and its honorable supporters who belong to more than 60 countries around the world. The American University in Cairo was founded in 1919, and is a pioneering American educational institution that provides an outstanding education in the English language and is the center of cultural, social, and intellectual life in the Arab world. The university is considered a meeting place for world cultures and a forum for discussion and extending the bonds of understanding between different cultures due to the diversity of the cultures of students, parents, faculty members, workers, members of the Council of Guardians, alumni, and its honorable supporters who belong to more than 60 countries around the world. American University in Cairo (AUC)

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School of Business

Fees:$647 per credit hour

Boasting an unrivaled reputation as the top private business school in Egypt and one of the best in Africa and the Arab world, the AUC School of Business is dedicated to realizing a positive human impact that is scalable and sustainable. The School is committed to shaping the business leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents of tomorrow by harnessing leadership, integrity, ambition, and excellence.

The School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Fees:$647 per credit hour

The School of Global Affairs and Public Policy prepares its graduates to take the lead in shaping the future of their nations and the world at large, with a strong belief in the interaction of international and public affairs, an unwavering commitment to ethics and the rule of law, and a recognition of the unique role that the media play in shaping public policy. We graduate the next generation of public leaders. Our blended learning approach couples theoretical know-how with technical skills to enable graduates to function in a multi-media world.

The School of Sciences and Engineering

Fees:$647 per credit hour

The School of Sciences and Engineering aims to capitalize on our regional and international expertise in realizing a global impact through innovation, discovery, the pursuit of excellence to meet current and future needs in service to the well-being of our regional and global communities. The School of Sciences and Engineering provides students with relevant expertise to excel as professionals, researchers, and scholars while inspiring excellence and vision.

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Fees:$647 per credit hour

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUSS) is the home to the core disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and arts at AUC. HUSS comprises 10 departments: Applied Linguistics, Arab and Islamic Civilizations, Arts, English and Comparative Literature, History, International and Comparative Education, Philosophy, Political Science and Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, and Egyptology.

The School of Continuing Education (SCE)

Fees:1075 - 6510 per subject

With 90 years of experience, The School of Continuing Education (SCE) at The American University in Cairo provides certificate programs, noncredit term-length courses and variable-length, customized courses to fulfill the continuing education needs of individuals and organizations in Egypt and the Middle East. To fulfill the diverse needs of the community, the school offers a broad array of professional educational certificates and stand-alone courses. These are provided through the following offerings: career and skills development programs, language enhancement programs, translation diplomas, IT and computer programs, teacher training programs, youth programs, tailor-made programs, along with evaluation testing and assessments and the Career Guidance Unit. The School of Continuing Education’s regularly scheduled courses and certificates are offered in AUC Tahrir Square and AUC New Cairo. Tailor-made courses for companies and organizations are also conducted on-site and at the client's facilities.

Universities in Egypt

Universities in Egypt is the voice of universities, helping to maintain the leading strength of Egypt’s university sector and supporting our members to achieve their aims and objectives.

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Fifth Settlement, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.


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