Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology
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Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology
Fees:21000 L.E
Sections of the institute
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Computer engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
the industrial engineering
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
Fees:21000 L.E
In light of the electronic development that we are witnessing in our time, the science of electronics and communication engineering was the weight in pioneering contemporary science and events accelerated as it became usual to see between today and the next a new invention or an amazing development in the world, so the profession of electronics and communication engineering was in great demand in the labor market due to the increasing need For the many services provided by this specialization around the world, and it can be said in one sentence, "This section has become an essential part of our lives and an ideal participant in communication tools that have changed the shape of the world." The study plan for this department consists of about 164 hours in which the student studies a set of compulsory and optional courses Qualifies him for a thorough understanding of this specialization, which opens up various fields of work for him, such as the field of fixed and mobile communications, generation and distribution of electricity, radio, television, petroleum and gas, and design and management of networks.
The institute is proud that it includes within it faculty members with capabilities and skills appropriate to this specialization, as the institute includes a modern and advanced group of laboratories in this field.
Mechatronics Engineering Department
Fees:21000 L.E
Mechatronics can be seen as one of the most important basic sciences in the future of engineering and its modern applications, and it is one of the most branched fields of engineering to combine many related branches of engineering where the term mechatronics is intended as an approach that aims at the continuous integration of mechanics, electronics and automatic control as well as achieving integration. With the Department of Computer Engineering for its reliance on it in product design and manufacturing, which is what distinguishes the graduate of this department, which is his ability to deal with all advanced industries.
The graduates of this specialization have an important role in the industrial field, as it has become skilled in the field of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and control engineering, and a graduate of the Mechatronics Engineering Department has many job opportunities in various fields such as refrigeration and air conditioning, modern cars, petroleum, energy, robots, medical devices, aircraft, space engineering, design and maintenance. Hydraulic devices
The institute is proud that it includes within it faculty members with capabilities and skills appropriate to this specialization, as the institute includes a modern and advanced group of laboratories in this field.
Department of Industrial Engineering
Fees:21000 L.E
The Department of Industrial Engineering has become the ideal choice for any industry, as it includes production technology and manufacturing processes management in order to reach the best quality with the highest efficiency and lowest cost, so the industrial engineering graduate has a great capacity for planning, implementation and management, whether in the manufacture of products or providing services and managing quality processes that have become indispensable In any existing industry, as well as conducting economic engineering studies to provide solutions and alternatives, which qualify him to work in all types of factories, supply and supply chains, project management, petroleum, mining, and quality systems management.
The institute is proud that it includes within it faculty members with capabilities and skills appropriate to this specialization, as the institute includes a modern and advanced group of laboratories in this field.