Sat. July 27, 2024

Universities in Egypt

Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology

Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology

Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology

On September 24, 1997 Ministerial Decree No. 1103 was issued to establish the Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology to award a bachelor’s degree in engineering in three departments: the Department of Electronics, Communications, Computer Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering, and then according to Ministerial Decree No. 1323 issued on October 24, 1999 the Industrial Engineering Department was established. On September 24, 1997 Ministerial Decree No. 1103 was issued to establish the Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology to award a bachelor’s degree in engineering in three departments: the Department of Electronics, Communications, Computer Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering, and then according to Ministerial Decree No. 1323 issued on October 24, 1999 the Industrial Engineering Department was established. Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology

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Address:Dr. Mohamed Aboul Fotouh Street, Hasab Street - off Victor Amma Noel Street, next to Mostafa Kamel Tunnel - Smouha - Alexandria
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Email: [email protected]

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Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology: [email protected]

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