Sat. February 08, 2025

Universities in Egypt

Military Technical College (MTC)

Military Technical College (MTC)

Established in 1957, Military Technical College (MTC) is considered one of the distinguished scientific research centers of the Armed Forces. Military Technical College (MTC) is specialized in the fields of military sciences and technology. As a reference in the military technical applications, Military Technical College (MTC) is in charge of: Graduation of Military Technical College (MTC) engineering officers of scientific, practical and organizational capabilities to undertake the technical and engineering missions. Qualification of distinguished officers to conduct scientific research innovation in diverse engineering and technological fields so as to help the Armed Forces modernize the armament systems and support critical and advanced technologies. Directing the scientific and technical post graduate studies in compliance with the needs of the Armed Forces. Awarding the Diploma, M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in the engineering and scientific fields. Qualification and preparation of officers to work as staff members. Conducting academic and applied researches in relation to fields of studies and researches in accordance with the general strategies of the Armed Forces technical researches. Conducting new studies that fulfill the needs of Armed Forces. Proposing new engineering and technological solutions that promote the capabilities of the military equipment and improve their tactical and technical utilization. Preparation of qualified officers who can offer technical consultations to Armed Forces authorities. Cooperation with other departments to plan and develop the technical and engineering education to ensure the best quality of the scientific and technical information meeting the current and future needs of the Armed Forces. Evaluation of the scientific degrees and equivalent studies in engineering sciences from foreign universities in cooperation with the ministry of higher education and recommendation for scientific titles. To achieve self-sustainment of the Armed Forces in the fields of technology and engineering by providing engineering officers and researchers who can build and maintain armament systems and fulfill the needs of the Army operations. Military Technical College (MTC) aims to become one of the best international competing institutions in the fields of research, education and knowledge. Moral principles should consider the belief in God and the full faith to the nation. A major principle is the profound trust in the capabilities of the Egyptian people, their willingness to sacrifice for the sake of distinction, dignity and independence of their beloved country. Established in 1957, Military Technical College (MTC) is considered one of the distinguished scientific research centers of the Armed Forces. Military Technical College (MTC) is specialized in the fields of military sciences and technology. As a reference in the military technical applications, Military Technical College (MTC) is in charge of: Graduation of Military Technical College (MTC) engineering officers of scientific, practical and organizational capabilities to undertake the technical and engineering missions. Qualification of distinguished officers to conduct scientific research innovation in diverse engineering and technological fields so as to help the Armed Forces modernize the armament systems and support critical and advanced technologies. Directing the scientific and technical post graduate studies in compliance with the needs of the Armed Forces. Awarding the Diploma, M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in the engineering and scientific fields. Qualification and preparation of officers to work as staff members. Conducting academic and applied researches in relation to fields of studies and researches in accordance with the general strategies of the Armed Forces technical researches. Conducting new studies that fulfill the needs of Armed Forces. Proposing new engineering and technological solutions that promote the capabilities of the military equipment and improve their tactical and technical utilization. Preparation of qualified officers who can offer technical consultations to Armed Forces authorities. Cooperation with other departments to plan and develop the technical and engineering education to ensure the best quality of the scientific and technical information meeting the current and future needs of the Armed Forces. Evaluation of the scientific degrees and equivalent studies in engineering sciences from foreign universities in cooperation with the ministry of higher education and recommendation for scientific titles. To achieve self-sustainment of the Armed Forces in the fields of technology and engineering by providing engineering officers and researchers who can build and maintain armament systems and fulfill the needs of the Army operations. Military Technical College (MTC) aims to become one of the best international competing institutions in the fields of research, education and knowledge. Moral principles should consider the belief in God and the full faith to the nation. A major principle is the profound trust in the capabilities of the Egyptian people, their willingness to sacrifice for the sake of distinction, dignity and independence of their beloved country. Military Technical College (MTC)

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Liaison Technical Center for Research & Development

Liaison technical center for research &development is technology planning center aligned with the research strengths of Military Technical College to promote innovation, creativity, learning and research excellence. The mission of LTC_R&D is to develop and sustain an environment that facilitates and accelerates innovation, the transfer and development of knowledge. To encourage successful collaboration amongst private sector, government, university, researchers and educators. To provide the tools needed to facilitate and support the transformation of scientific discoveries and innovations into real-life, applied solution. To build global collaborations with academic pioneers that enrich the scientific experience. To train engineering students on novel applications before they can be implemented on real life problems.

Unmanned Research Center

The Unmanned Integrated Systems Technology and Innovation Center (UMISTIC) was launched in 2014 to: Focus on the basic, applied research and development activities in unmanned systems in general, and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) that can improve the capabilities of the Egyptian army. Also it aims to promote research in building the next generation of UAS that will be used for a wide spectrum of military applications and public domain applications. The center has the motive to educate under graduate students, scientists, and engineers who are interested in learning about Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and to bridge the gap between military and civilian application domains.

Radar Systems Research Center

The center studies the international radar systems in details and analyzes them through the intelligence warship reports, the ability to design radar systems for all different weapons (The Leadership of Border Guards- Command Air Defense Forces- Special Forces - Artillery). The ability to implement and design the basic parts of the radar systems such as:(Antenna – Transmitter – Receiver-Signal processing, and Data Processing). Alternative resources can be designed by Egyptian hands and minds. Having modern technology which is difficult to acquire from abroad and the ability to configure technical staff qualified in the field of designing radar systems. Also, it recommends proposals for the development of radar equipment in service.

Fire Control Systems Research Center

The center role is the design and implementation of fire control systems for different weapons. Improvement of the guard service system, in particular at the isolated zones and borders, through early detection and indirect dealing with hostilities. Ensures security of important military units and military installations automatically at all times and weather conditions. Besides the early detection, the center enhances the fire correction capability against threats and security breaches of military units and installations. Willing to master well-developed technologies, the center shall provide the greatest technical support to the ground defense system.

Explosive and Rocket Propellant Research Center

The center designs, produces and tests of sophisticated mixtures of a high-power a few explosives sensitivity for the development of ammunition, bombs and warheads. The center also detects traces of explosives and explosion accident analysis. In addition to use of multiple elements of protection of composite materials to absorb the waves of the explosive for the protection of vital installations. The provision of technical consultancy in the field of caution blasting and safe detonation, to determine the shelf-life and operational missile fuel (solid - liquid) in accordance with the quality of the environmental component of the storage, transport, trading conditions and Usage. In addition to the implementation of the missile program decoding systems to the main components and sub-programs. In the field of rocket systems, the center carries out the required engineering design and drawings, issues technical reports and recommendations, finally issues the operational criteria of the rocket system shelf-life period. The center is capable of the design and implementation of local manufacturing programs for alternative ingredients and obsolete components within the life-prolonging missile systems programs. The Center consists of a number of research groups which are explosives technology, detection and analysis of explosives, gunpowder mixes firearms, missile fuel research (solid / liquid), risk assessment and extending the age of ammunitions.

Maritime Armament Systems Research Center

The role of the center is to study modern technologies, applications and development procedures related to Maritime Armament systems. Enhancements of the effectiveness of Maritime Armament systems is targeted through improving navigation, control, propulsion and stealth features. The research potential of designing, testing and production of novel maritime armament components and systems is inspired.

Embedded & Smart Systems Research Center

The center launches studies and analysis to recognize the lacks in the software technology of different generations of mobile phones and find means to overcome them. The increasing use of smartphones and software has led to targeting them either through deficiencies in operating systems or by installing certain applications. In confrontation of the previous challenges, the center keeps pace with the evolution in this area and applied research for smart phones and its operating systems.

VLSIC Research Center

Mission of the VLSI center in the Military Technical College is to establish an excellent research environment and platform for the university students, postgraduate researchers, and technical researches through investigating the cutting edge of advanced analogue, digital and mixed signal fully custom VLSI design technologies for the advancement of ultra-high speed, ultra-low power, sensors and wireless systems.

Mechanical Equipment Research Center

The center mainly targets the development of the mechanical equipment systems which include the equipment of engineering corps, disposal systems, mobile bridges, gun mounting systems, mechanical system of guidance and fire-control, rapid deployment track way, explosive and non-explosive obstacles handling mechanisms. The center aims are: Following the most recent systems in-field. Selecting systems to join the force. Development of mechanical equipment systems that are already in service. Design mechanisms that fulfill the needs of the armed forces. Qualifying researchers who can fulfill aims and targets of the center. The research in the center heavily aim to employ hybrid systems (such as electro mechanical – hydro mechanical - … etc.) to develop the systems of mechanical equipment.

Nano-Material Research Center

Military Technical College nanotechnology research center offer the sustainable fabrication of bespoke nano particles with controlled crystallinity, size, shape, and surface properties for military and civilian application.

Weapon and Ammunition Research Center

The major mission of the Weapons and Ammunition Research Center (WARC) is to develop weapon and ammunition systems. The department of weapons and ammunition in Military Technical College (MTC) is a major contributor in terms of technical direction. The center was founded for planning and carrying out the researches regarding conventional weapons of small arm calibers starting from 5.56mm as well as weapon systems of heavy calibers up to 155mm. Thus, researches performed on different types of small arm bullets, anti-tank ammunition and artillery projectiles are of main concern in the research program of WARC. Research program of the MTC cadets is also one of its major tasks where the cadets are provided opportunities to work on actual research projects.

Multi-Sensor Systems (MS2) Center of Excellence

The overall objectives of this multidisciplinary research program is to advance the theory and applications of MS2 through the deployment of cost-effective sensing technologies made possible through the development of a) specialized, intelligent processing and sensors integration algorithms, b) feature extraction for data management and c) real-time geo-computing. The research group will be guided by two key factors: cost-effectiveness while maintaining performance, and overall accuracy. The quality of this team is best demonstrated by their major research awards for publications, competitive research grants, achievements of trainees, significant involvement in grant panels and scientific conferences, and leadership roles in advancing Geomatics Engineering. The MS2 group is expected to make major progress in (a) advancing the theory and techniques that are critical to the development of cost-effective MS2 systems, (b) using the resulting methods and procedures to enhance and develop innovative MS2 applications that serve Military Technical College and its stakeholders (c) advancing the real-time MS2 geo-computing systems, and (d) developing innovative concepts, methodologies and algorithms as well as facilitating technology transfer to other groups within Military Technical College and AA.

Missile Systems Research Center

The role of the center is to study modern technologies, applications and development procedures related to rocket systems. Enhancements of rocket effectiveness are targeted through improving range, payload and accuracy. The research potential of designing, testing and production of novel components and system is inspired.

Directed Energy Research Center

The Directed Energy Research Center supports agencies in transitioning high energy lasers and high power microwaves to the battlefield through vigorous scientific and engineering research, graduate education programs, and diverse consulting activities.

Self-Protection Systems Research Center

The center works on researches, studies and projects in the fields of armor research, development of electronic and laser protection, energy, protects the installations and bunkers and fortifications research. The center consists of the main research groups in the fields of development of light armor for individuals and vehicles, heavy armor of tanks, electronic protection, laser sensors and laser research, fire control, as well as fortifications and Research Facilities Protection Service. The center implements assignments and research tasks in the field of self-protection. It provides technical consulting in the field of self-protection, rehabilitation and preparation of research personnel in the armed forces in the field of self-protection.

Space Engineering Research Center

The Center focuses on space based research, starting with the orbit calculation and methods to put the satellites in orbit and making of the necessary in-orbit corrections, as well as design of rockets to carry satellites into space and methods to interface, then separate the satellite and the rockets. Among the basic research directions is attitude control, algorithms and communication means to and from the satellite. Other subsystems are studied as well including thermal control, high energy liquid propulsion, design of light weight and durable structures, high efficiency power generation from solar cells, programming in real time environments. The center also provides consultations to all space projects and programs of the Armed Forces as well as other civilian entities through MoUs.

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