International Academy for Engineering & Media Sciences
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Department of "Media Engineering"
Fees:21600 L.E
Department of "Media Engineering":
The study and its decisions include theoretical and practical aspects, and periodic training in the laboratories assigned to the division.
Divisions: -
1- Communications and Information Engineering
2- Electronics and Computers Engineering
3- Electrical Power Engineering
4- Architecture Engineering
Qualifications you accept:
- High school science sport (Engineering Division) or equivalent Arab and foreign certificates.
Division of Information Sciences
Fees:24749 L.E
Division of "Information Sciences"
Its presence within the scope of Media Production City achieves the goal of training training in the city's studios for new generations of specialists in the field of media.
Divisions: -
1- Radio and TV production
2- Film production
3- Advertising production
D - Multimedia and the Internet
Qualifications you accept:
- General secondary school with its two divisions, or its equivalent in Arab and foreign certificates.
Department of Business Administration in both Arabic and English
Fees:9000 L.E
Department of "Business Administration" in both Arabic and English.
This division provides new teaching services to various divisions of the International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences.
Qualifications you accept:
- General secondary school with its two divisions, or the equivalent of Arab and foreign diplomas
- Commercial secondary three years system.
- Diploma in commercial secondary schools, the five-year system, and diploma in commercial technical institutes for admission to the second division.