British University in Egypt - BUE
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Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD)
The Center for drug Research & Development at the British University in Egypt (CDRD@BUE), founded in February 2013, the Center is aiming to provide services with high quality that meet the local and international guidelines, in order to strengthen the medical research and pharmaceutical industry to meet the need for short, medium, and long term of development, to elevate the overall industrial performance, and to achieve globalization. The Center could expand its service scope towards building a communication platform for the integration of resources from industry, government, academia and research institutes to effectively improve overall technology levels of the medical research and pharmaceutical industry. The center is a part of the faculty of Pharmacy at The British University in Egypt. The center is equipped with high technological and equipment currently utilized in the pharmaceutical industry, in addition to being an extension of the Department’s education and research mission. We have recognized the importance of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, and have developed an interdisciplinary Center with a cooperative community of researchers and educators pursuing collaborative science and technology development.
Farouk EL-Baz Centre for Sustainability and Future Studies
The Farouk ElBaz Centre of Sustainability and Future Studies as a Research and Development (R&D) Centre has emerged as an important part of the BUE’s efforts to address future sustainability in terms of environmental, economic, and social challenges through the engagement of students, academic staff and researchers. The FECSFS is envisioned to propose a suit of creative comprehensive solutions that tackle the future from a sustainable point of view. This is achieved through training and education, research, seminars, workshops, conferences, consultancy and publications.
Nanotechnology Research Centre
The NTRC ( nanotechnology research center ) at the BUE
advances nanoscience into applications that reflect on the critical community needs, such as water and medicine. Our lab facilities and highly qualified staff underpin the pursuit of breakthroughs in these fields. We invest in, and cultivate foundational expertise who remove the borders between different science sectors to excel at new nanoscale challenging applications. We lead through thinking and mastery.
Centre for Theoretical Physics
The Centre for Theoretical Physics at the BUE was founded in 2006 as a centre of excellence in fundamental physics; since then, it has expanded its research scope to include some experimental and applied areas of research, especially as connected to the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Current research interests include particle physics, theories of gravity, cosmology, and galaxy formation and evolution.
The centre aims at establishing links with the international scientific community in areas of interest; via formal and informal collaborative ties, as well as the hosting of workshops and conferences. It also aims at training graduate students in pursuing research at an international level.
Centre for Advanced Informatics and Business Intelligence
The objectives of the AIBI are to develop an interdisciplinary centre to shape up the research in the faculty, catching up with the new technologies and their application practices, adoption of applied research approach, leverage the existing research interests, and enable research collaboration with local and international partners, and to reach out to the community with needed training related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Centre for Innovation, Governance and Green Economy (CIGGE)
Centre for Innovation, Governance and Green Economy (CIGGE) objective
to promote and facilitate leading edge research, including collaborative and interdisciplinary research using the excessive capital knowledge of BUE’ lecturers as well as the TA’s and the students.
to encourage and support research funds activities by contacting several industries on the national level to present sponsorship for the outstanding researchers, and to develop partnerships for this purpose.
Centre for Renewable Energy (CRE)
The Centre for Renewable Energy CRE was founded in October 2011 as a spring off the Renewable Energy Group at the Faculty of Engineering. The centre is led by an ambitious group of staff members and teaching and research assistants.
At the end of 2019, the BUE reorganized it Centre for Renewable Energy by dividing it into three divisions: The wind energy division, the solar energy division and the biomass division. The development was responding to the BUE’s role in project WESET coordinated by Prof. Ahmed Elbaz. The inauguration of the Wind Energy Centre is a result of the WESET project, and the activities of the WESET project are now part of the CRE-Wind Energy Division.
Centre for Advanced Materials
The Centre for Advanced Materials was established at the British University in Egypt (BUE) under the umbrella of the Faculty of Engineering in September 2007. The main goal is to realize BUE’s vision of growing as a research-led university from the start of its inception in 2005.
CAM was established by its founding director Prof. Yehia Bahie-El-Din and currenlty led by Dr. Mostafa Shazly. CAM is served by BUE internationally recognized faculty and researches.
Research Centre for Irish Studies (RCIS)
BUE Research Centre for Irish Studies (RCIS) is a campus research centre established in October 2020 which aims to foster, promote and disseminate trans-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and discipline specific research related to all matters Irish in STEM, Social Sciences, Culture, the Arts and the Humanities.
International partnerships and networking are key objectives in order to stimulate international collaboration on Irish Studies between students, scholars, industry, and centers interested in Ireland and matters Irish, in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa.
BUE RCIS further seeks to promote Irish culture and artistic interest in a broader sense for a wide variety of audiences.