Sat. February 08, 2025

Universities in Egypt

Thinking of studying Mechanical Engineering? Here is what you need to know

Engineering has existed for more than a century. Mechanical engineering is the study, design, manufacture, and maintenance of machines and mechanical manufacturing techniques using engineering concepts. Mechanical engineering is the oldest branch of engineering education, and it now emphasises computer program in addition to the traditional practical application of techniques.

In Egypt, the study period for obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering is 5 years.

To complete the difficult task of turning a concept into reality, mechanical engineering brings together imagination, experience, and analytical methods. Mechanical engineers have a wide range of career options, and their education reflects this. Students concentrate on one subject while perfecting analytical and problem-solving skills that can be applied to any engineering scenario. The importance of mechanical engineering in society cannot be overstated. There are no real boundaries for a newly qualified mechanical engineer because there is such a high demand for this skill in so many fields. The automobile, aerospace, communications, biotechnology, and oil industries continue to be in high demand.

Mechanical engineers must be able to analyze and design moving objects and systems on a regular basis. Small individual components, such as microsensors, as well as large complex devices, such as aeroplanes and spacecraft systems, are all part of this.

Here are some of the best schools that offer to study mechanical engineering

Cairo University 

Engineering was established in 1971 to meet the growing demand for mechanical engineers with strong design, manufacturing, and production backgrounds. Over 70 faculty members with PhDs from prestigious engineering schools around the world currently work in the department. The department has always had a close relationship with its sister department, "Mechanical Power Engineering." Students in Mechanical Engineering study for the first two years in a general programme, then specialise in one of the two departments for the final 

two years.

Mansoura University

One of Egypt's best universities. This department's students look at power in general, as well as the mechanisms that allow power to shift from one form to another or from one location to another. There is a partial concentration of two types of power shapes in terms of other forms of power: mechanical and thermal energy.

The British University in Egypt

General mechanical engineers with specializations in development and design, materials and manufacturing, power and energy, automotive and aeronautical engineering, and Mechatronics are produced by the Mechanical Engineering Department. The final year's focus is completed with five optional modules and two graduation assignments. Seven new labs and two machine shops with cutting-edge training and materials add to the strong academic environment required for hands-on mechanical engineering experience.

The American University in Cairo

The mission of the mechanical engineering programme is to provide students with a world-class, accredited mechanical engineering education while maintaining a liberal arts foundation. The mission of the programme emphasises social responsibility as well as endeavoring for greatness. In addition to maintaining high academic performance, professional actions, and ethical conduct, the curriculum provides students with a strong mechanical engineering framework and breadth in selected areas of their choosing. Mechanical engineering students at AUC are prepared for entry-level professional experience in the field, both locally and internationally.

Thinking of studying Mechanical Engineering? Here is what you need to know

Thinking of studying Mechanical Engineering? Here is what you need to know

Thinking of studying Mechanical Engineering in Egypt? Here is what you need to know and what you should expect. A full list of the best schools that offer it. Engineering has existed for more than a century. Mechanical engineering is the study, design, manufacture, and maintenance of machines and mechanical manufacturing techniques using engineering concepts. Mechanical engineering is the oldest branch of engineering education, and it now emphasises computer program in addition to the traditional practical application of techniques.In Egypt, the study period for obtaining a degree in mechanical engineering is 5 years.To complete the difficult task of turning a concept into reality, mechanical engineering brings together imagination, experience, and analytical methods. Mechanical engineers have a wide range of career options, and their education reflects this. Students concentrate on one subject while perfecting analytical and problem-solving skills that can be applied to any engineering scenario. The importance of mechanical engineering in society cannot be overstated. There are no real boundaries for a newly qualified mechanical engineer because there is such a high demand for this skill in so many fields. The automobile, aerospace, communications, biotechnology, and oil industries continue to be in high demand.Mechanical engineers must be able to analyze and design moving objects and systems on a regular basis. Small individual components, such as microsensors, as well as large complex devices, such as aeroplanes and spacecraft systems, are all part of this.Here are some of the best schools that offer to study mechanical engineeringCairo University Engineering was established in 1971 to meet the growing demand for mechanical engineers with strong design, manufacturing, and production backgrounds. Over 70 faculty members with PhDs from prestigious engineering schools around the world currently work in the department. The department has always had a close relationship with its sister department, Mechanical Power Engineering. Students in Mechanical Engineering study for the first two years in a general programme, then specialise in one of the two departments for the final two years.Mansoura UniversityOne of Egypt's best universities. This department's students look at power in general, as well as the mechanisms that allow power to shift from one form to another or from one location to another. There is a partial concentration of two types of power shapes in terms of other forms of power: mechanical and thermal energy.The British University in EgyptGeneral mechanical engineers with specializations in development and design, materials and manufacturing, power and energy, automotive and aeronautical engineering, and Mechatronics are produced by the Mechanical Engineering Department. The final year's focus is completed with five optional modules and two graduation assignments. Seven new labs and two machine shops with cutting-edge training and materials add to the strong academic environment required for hands-on mechanical engineering experience.The American University in CairoThe mission of the mechanical engineering programme is to provide students with a world-class, accredited mechanical engineering education while maintaining a liberal arts foundation. The mission of the programme emphasises social responsibility as well as endeavoring for greatness. In addition to maintaining high academic performance, professional actions, and ethical conduct, the curriculum provides students with a strong mechanical engineering framework and breadth in selected areas of their choosing. Mechanical engineering students at AUC are prepared for entry-level professional experience in the field, both locally and internationally. Thinking of studying Mechanical Engineering? Here is what you need to know

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