الجمعة. أبريل 26, 2024

الجـــــامـعـــــــات فى مصــــر

Military Technical College (MTC)

Military Technical College (MTC)

Established in 1957, Military Technical College (MTC) is considered one of the distinguished scientific research centers of the Armed Forces. Military Technical College (MTC) is specialized in the fields of military sciences and technology. As a reference in the military technical applications, Military Technical College (MTC) is in charge of: Graduation of Military Technical College (MTC) engineering officers of scientific, practical and organizational capabilities to undertake the technical and engineering missions. Qualification of distinguished officers to conduct scientific research innovation in diverse engineering and technological fields so as to help the Armed Forces modernize the armament systems and support critical and advanced technologies. Directing the scientific and technical post graduate studies in compliance with the needs of the Armed Forces. Awarding the Diploma, M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in the engineering and scientific fields. Qualification and preparation of officers to work as staff members. Conducting academic and applied researches in relation to fields of studies and researches in accordance with the general strategies of the Armed Forces technical researches. Conducting new studies that fulfill the needs of Armed Forces. Proposing new engineering and technological solutions that promote the capabilities of the military equipment and improve their tactical and technical utilization. Preparation of qualified officers who can offer technical consultations to Armed Forces authorities. Cooperation with other departments to plan and develop the technical and engineering education to ensure the best quality of the scientific and technical information meeting the current and future needs of the Armed Forces. Evaluation of the scientific degrees and equivalent studies in engineering sciences from foreign universities in cooperation with the ministry of higher education and recommendation for scientific titles. To achieve self-sustainment of the Armed Forces in the fields of technology and engineering by providing engineering officers and researchers who can build and maintain armament systems and fulfill the needs of the Army operations. Military Technical College (MTC) aims to become one of the best international competing institutions in the fields of research, education and knowledge. Moral principles should consider the belief in God and the full faith to the nation. A major principle is the profound trust in the capabilities of the Egyptian people, their willingness to sacrifice for the sake of distinction, dignity and independence of their beloved country. Established in 1957, Military Technical College (MTC) is considered one of the distinguished scientific research centers of the Armed Forces. Military Technical College (MTC) is specialized in the fields of military sciences and technology. As a reference in the military technical applications, Military Technical College (MTC) is in charge of: Graduation of Military Technical College (MTC) engineering officers of scientific, practical and organizational capabilities to undertake the technical and engineering missions. Qualification of distinguished officers to conduct scientific research innovation in diverse engineering and technological fields so as to help the Armed Forces modernize the armament systems and support critical and advanced technologies. Directing the scientific and technical post graduate studies in compliance with the needs of the Armed Forces. Awarding the Diploma, M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in the engineering and scientific fields. Qualification and preparation of officers to work as staff members. Conducting academic and applied researches in relation to fields of studies and researches in accordance with the general strategies of the Armed Forces technical researches. Conducting new studies that fulfill the needs of Armed Forces. Proposing new engineering and technological solutions that promote the capabilities of the military equipment and improve their tactical and technical utilization. Preparation of qualified officers who can offer technical consultations to Armed Forces authorities. Cooperation with other departments to plan and develop the technical and engineering education to ensure the best quality of the scientific and technical information meeting the current and future needs of the Armed Forces. Evaluation of the scientific degrees and equivalent studies in engineering sciences from foreign universities in cooperation with the ministry of higher education and recommendation for scientific titles. To achieve self-sustainment of the Armed Forces in the fields of technology and engineering by providing engineering officers and researchers who can build and maintain armament systems and fulfill the needs of the Army operations. Military Technical College (MTC) aims to become one of the best international competing institutions in the fields of research, education and knowledge. Moral principles should consider the belief in God and the full faith to the nation. A major principle is the profound trust in the capabilities of the Egyptian people, their willingness to sacrifice for the sake of distinction, dignity and independence of their beloved country. Military Technical College (MTC)

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الموقع الالكتروني:http://www.mtc.edu.eg/mtcwebsite/
التقدم للقبول

تأسست الكلية الفنية العسكرية عام 1957 ، وتعتبر من مراكز البحث العلمي المتميزة للقوات المسلحة. الكلية الفنية العسكرية متخصصة في مجالات العلوم والتكنولوجيا العسكرية. كمرجع في التطبيقات الفنية العسكرية ، تختص الكلية الفنية العسكرية بما يلي: تخريج ضباط هندسة بالكلية الفنية العسكرية من ذوي القدرات العلمية والعملية والتنظيمية للقيام بالمهام الفنية والهندسية. تأهيل الضباط المتميزين لإجراء ابتكارات بحثية علمية في مختلف المجالات الهندسية والتكنولوجية لمساعدة القوات المسلحة على تحديث أنظمة التسلح ودعم التقنيات الحرجة والمتقدمة. توجيه الدراسات العليا العلمية والفنية بما يتوافق مع احتياجات القوات المسلحة. منح الدبلوم والماجستير والدكتوراه. شهادات في المجالات الهندسية والعلمية. تأهيل الضباط وإعدادهم للعمل كأعضاء هيئة التدريس. إجراء البحوث الأكاديمية والتطبيقية المتعلقة بمجالات الدراسات والبحوث وفق الإستراتيجيات العامة للبحوث الفنية للقوات المسلحة. إجراء الدراسات الجديدة التي تلبي احتياجات القوات المسلحة. اقتراح حلول هندسية وتكنولوجية جديدة تعزز قدرات المعدات العسكرية وتحسن استخدامها التكتيكي والفني. إعداد الضباط المؤهلين لتقديم الاستشارات الفنية لهيئات القوات المسلحة. التعاون مع الإدارات الأخرى لتخطيط وتطوير التعليم الفني والهندسي لضمان أفضل جودة للمعلومات العلمية والتقنية التي تلبي الاحتياجات الحالية والمستقبلية للقوات المسلحة. تقييم الدرجات العلمية والدراسات المعادلة في العلوم الهندسية من الجامعات الأجنبية بالتعاون مع وزارة التعليم العالي والتوصية بالعناوين العلمية. تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي للقوات المسلحة في مجالات التكنولوجيا والهندسة من خلال توفير ضباط وباحثين مهندسين قادرين على بناء وصيانة أنظمة التسلح وتلبية احتياجات عمليات الجيش. تهدف الكلية الفنية العسكرية إلى أن تصبح واحدة من أفضل المؤسسات الدولية المنافسة في مجالات البحث والتعليم والمعرفة. يجب أن تراعي المبادئ الأخلاقية الإيمان بالله والإيمان الكامل للأمة. والمبدأ الأساسي هو الثقة العميقة بقدرات الشعب المصري ، واستعداده للتضحية من أجل التميز والكرامة والاستقلال لوطنه الحبيب.


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