الأحد. مايو 05, 2024

الجـــــامـعـــــــات فى مصــــر

اكاديمية اخبار اليوم

Akhbar El Yom Academy

Akhbar El Yom Academy

Founded in 1999, Akhbar Elyom Academy is a higher Education Institute, Member of AKHBAR ELYOM association, Under the Supervision of Ministry of Higher Education. The Academy awards certified certificates in the Department of Production Engineering and Printing Technology, Industrial Engineering Department, Computer Science and Information Technology Department, Journalism Department, (English) Administration Department, Electronics and Communications Engineering Department. The mission of the Akhbar Elyom Academy is to provide outstanding education and contribute to the production, development and dissemination of knowledge and to qualify the scientific cadres capable of achieving the development goals and the needs of the Egyptian and Arab society. The Akhbar Elyom Academy offers a pioneering learning experience that embodies the students’ hopes for a bright future. The Academy’s programs are diverse and competitive, stimulating minds, imposing dialectical thinking and encouraging intellectual creativity through many different fields and experiences. The Akhbar Elyom Academy allows students to pursue their studies in a scientific environment that stimulates learning and perseverance to support their journey to seek advanced knowledge and self-realization through diverse options and opportunities to refine and develop skills, human and material resources and advanced technological systems to provide better education. The Academy is interested in community service directly through a group of scientific centers that provide services and consultation to the concerned bodies in the institutions of the Egyptian society and the Arab world, so that these centers have become effective and high level both in the provision or transfer of technology and upgrading the level of workers in the field of engineering and media Printing, administration, computer science and information technology. And provide consultations that help to make economic, political and media decision in the right direction, which fulfills the functions of these establishments and units and serves their objectives. The Center is managed by a group of qualified professors who provide their expertise, ideas and suggestions, as well as a group of consultants, in clarifying the visions to the students before the institutions, sectors and cooperating sectors to make the right decision at the right time. The Center organizes specialized training courses in the fields of various scientific activities, journalism applications, media, public relations, public opinion and modern communication techniques, with the aim of restoring and upgrading the performance of students and employees in these fields, increasing their knowledge and developing their skills and developing and transferring new experiences and innovations to them through various training styles. In the field of scientific application. Founded in 1999, Akhbar Elyom Academy is a higher Education Institute, Member of AKHBAR ELYOM association, Under the Supervision of Ministry of Higher Education. The Academy awards certified certificates in the Department of Production Engineering and Printing Technology, Industrial Engineering Department, Computer Science and Information Technology Department, Journalism Department, (English) Administration Department, Electronics and Communications Engineering Department. The mission of the Akhbar Elyom Academy is to provide outstanding education and contribute to the production, development and dissemination of knowledge and to qualify the scientific cadres capable of achieving the development goals and the needs of the Egyptian and Arab society. The Akhbar Elyom Academy offers a pioneering learning experience that embodies the students’ hopes for a bright future. The Academy’s programs are diverse and competitive, stimulating minds, imposing dialectical thinking and encouraging intellectual creativity through many different fields and experiences. The Akhbar Elyom Academy allows students to pursue their studies in a scientific environment that stimulates learning and perseverance to support their journey to seek advanced knowledge and self-realization through diverse options and opportunities to refine and develop skills, human and material resources and advanced technological systems to provide better education. The Academy is interested in community service directly through a group of scientific centers that provide services and consultation to the concerned bodies in the institutions of the Egyptian society and the Arab world, so that these centers have become effective and high level both in the provision or transfer of technology and upgrading the level of workers in the field of engineering and media Printing, administration, computer science and information technology. And provide consultations that help to make economic, political and media decision in the right direction, which fulfills the functions of these establishments and units and serves their objectives. The Center is managed by a group of qualified professors who provide their expertise, ideas and suggestions, as well as a group of consultants, in clarifying the visions to the students before the institutions, sectors and cooperating sectors to make the right decision at the right time. The Center organizes specialized training courses in the fields of various scientific activities, journalism applications, media, public relations, public opinion and modern communication techniques, with the aim of restoring and upgrading the performance of students and employees in these fields, increasing their knowledge and developing their skills and developing and transferring new experiences and innovations to them through various training styles. In the field of scientific application. Akhbar El Yom Academy

اكاديمية اخبار اليوم هذه المؤسسة لم تتحقق من بياناتها

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عدد الطلاب: عدد أعضاء هيئة التدريس:
النوع:مختلطة الاجناس
الموقع الالكتروني:http://www.akhbaracademy.edu.eg/
التقدم للقبول

تقوم رسالة أكاديمية أخبار اليوم على تقديم تعليم متميز والمساهمة فى إنتاج المعرفة وتطويرها ونشرها وتأهيل الكوادر العلمية القادرة على تحقيق أهداف التنمية واحتياجات المجتمع المصرى والعربى.
تقدم أكاديمية أخبار اليوم تجربة تعليمية رائدة تتجسد فيها أمال الطلاب فى تحقيق غد مشرق ، فبرامجها الأكاديمية متنوعة وتنافسية ، تستحث العقول وتفرض التفكير الجدلى وتشجيع الإبداع الفكرى عبر مجالات وخبرات عديدة ومتنوعة.
تتيح أكاديمية أخبار اليوم لطلابها متابعة دراستهم فى بيئة علمية تحفز على التعلم والمثابرة لدعم رحلتهم للبحث عن المعرفة المتطورة وتحقيق الذات عبر الخيارات المتنوعة والفرص المتاحة لصقل وتطوير القدرات والمهارات والمواد البشرية والمادية والنظم التكنولوجية المتطورة لتوفير التعليم الأفضل وتهيئة الظروف الملائمة لتوفير الموارد البشرية من الكوادر المؤهلة تأهيلا علميا ونفسيا واجتماعيا عاليا.

أهداف الأكاديمية:
اتاحة فرص التعليم العالى التخصصى فى مختلف ميادين العلوم الإنسانية والطبيعية والهندسية والتطبيقية وتزويد المجتمع بالكوادر العلمية المؤهلة فى التخصصات التى يحتاجها سوق العمل داخل مصر وخارجها.
تطوير المعرفة فى المجالات المختلفة عن طريق تشجيع وتنمية البحث العلمى وتوظيفه فى حل مشكلات المجتمع.
خدمة المجتمع المحلى وتطويره وحل مشكلاته من خلال برامج التدريب والتعليم المستمر والإرشاد الميدانى وتقديم الخبرة والمشورة فى النواحى التطبيقة المختلفة.
بناء الشخصية المتكاملة والمتوازنة للطالب الجامعى فى أبعادها المختلفة مع التأكيد على منهجية التفكير العلمى والمبادرة والشعور بالمسئولية وقيم العمل وتعزيز انتمائه للوطن.
الإهتمام بالبناء الفكرى الثقافى الوطنى مع الإنفتاح الواعى على علوم الأمم الأخرى ولغتها وثقافتها وتجاربها.
توثيق الروابط مع الجامعات والهيئات والمؤسسات العلمية محليا وعربيا وعالميا والإستفادة من تجاربها فى تطوير العملية التعليمية بالأكاديمية.


قام 2 زائر بتقييم هذه المؤسسة

درست أو عملت هنا؟ شارك رأيك

الجـــــامـعـــــــات فى مصــــر

منصة الجامعات في مصر هي صوت الجامعات ، وتساعد في الحفاظ على القوة الرائدة لجميع قطاعات الجامعات في مصر ودعم أعضائنا لتحقيق أهدافهم وأهدافهمالجامعات في مصر هي الصوت الجماعي لأكثر من 75 جامعة في مصرالغرض الأساسي من منصاتنا هو تعظيم تأثيرها الإيجابي على الطلاب والجمهور في مصر والعالم

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بيـــانــات الأتصـــال

التجمــع الخامــس

المـوقــع: www.universitiesegypt.com

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